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Here's one animation I did based on the famous board game, Snakes and Ladders. As usual, the 3D elements are done in 3D Studio Max, and the particles in the buildings were done using a plugin in After Effects. The buildings were rendered in green colour which was then keyed out in After Effects so that I could mask the particles in it.

Below are the concept and design boards of this motion graphics. They might differ very much from the final output but I prefered the style of the final work, which was why I changed the style from the one seen in the concept boards to the final work. Soundtrack was taken from the ending credits of the movie, "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events".

Concept Board

Visual References

Visual Theme Studies

Execution Plannings

Design Development

This is probably the first motion graphics I've ever done, featuring a Rubix Cube which shows all the things that I like - cars, computers and movies. The cube was done in 3D Studio Max 8, and then composited in Adobe After Effects.

And below is the concept art of this motion graphic.

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